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The Impact of Technology on the Environment

Enviromental Tech.jpg

Fig. 1

5 minute read

Over the last century there has been massive amounts of innovation in technology, and over the years this has caused great harm to our Earth and environment.  This includes tons of greenhouse gasses entering our atmosphere, tones of plastics and other harmful contaminates in our seas, oceans and rivers.

In this blog I am going to talk about technological solutions to benefit the environment.

Deforestation and Reforestation


Fig. 3

Water Pollution and How it Affects YOU

Fig. 2

Water Pollution.jpg

7 minute read

This is not a doom and gloom article.


Our goal is to raise awareness of the urgent need to reduce water pollution on a global and personal scale and offer ways in which we can all make this happen. 

5 minute read

Why are trees so important for the existence of human life?

What affect does a tree cut down in a faraway country have on the environment on our own doorstep?

How can we change the global demand for deforestation to meet our materialistic needs?

How can reforestation occur to maintain sustainability and protect the existence of earth for the future?

Environmentally Friendly Lifestyles

Fig. 4


5 minute read

The Impact on Going to Mars


Fig. 5

What exactly are environmentally friendly lifestyles? Environmentally friendly, or eco-friendly, lifestyles are ways of living that support the planet and its inhabitants. These forms of living usually originate from learning how destructive some industries are to the world around us and how easily we can contribute. Eco-friendly lifestyles aim to change this on a personal level. 

5 minute read

Going to mars will be an incredible feat for humankind, especially if it becomes possible to travel there and make into our home, but will in doing so be detrimental to the beautiful red planet?

Psychology and Climate Change

Fig. 6

Climate Change.jpg

6 minute read

Climate change has been theorised and explored by scientists since the beginning of the 19th century and whilst warnings have been communicated to governments and industries, very little attention has been given to human decisions and behaviours and how this affects the climate. However, it is imperative that human behaviour towards climate change Is considered. As it is individual decision makings, the support of policies and use of technologies are the driving force for societal change. 

Image Sources:

[1] The Open University. (2021). Man holding a city. [image] Available at: Environmental Management and Technology | Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics ( [Accessed 15 March 2021].

[2] Ohrim. (2020). Volunteers clean the oil spill. [image] Available at: Mauritius oil spill puts spotlight on ship pollution | UNCTAD [Accessed 15 March 2021].

[3] Tarcisio, S. (2020). Deforestation. [image] Available at: [Accessed 15 March 2021].

[4] Jodie, Z. (2017). Easy lifestyle changes. [image] Available at: 5 Easy Lifestyle Changes We Can All Make to Help Save the Environment ( [Accessed 15 March 2021].

[5] Lachlan, G. (2020). Artist’s impression of Mars. [image] Available at: Astrobiologists put Mars Rover life-detecting equipment to the test ( [Accessed 15 March 2021].

[6] Greenpeace. (2020). Flood protest. [image] Available at: Due to climate change, more than 1.2 billion people can be displaced in next three decades, finds report- Technology News, Firstpost [Accessed 15 March 2021].

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